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We Have You Covered! 

TNW Media Blitz: runs two months enclusive at a rate of $3500 per month - Comprehensive Media Targeting, Follow-Up and Results

The Process


TNWMedia Blitzes last eight weeks and we orchestrate all aspects of your story creation, follow-up and placement, including:

  • Pre-Media Podcast interview with News Director Pat Beechinor to determine story angles
  • Co-writing and editing of subsequent Media releases
  • Data-mining and cross-check of newsroom accuracy
  • Press Release distribution to all agreed-upon reporters, editors and journalists Media call-backs, response reporting (in Excel) and interview scheduling*

*TNWMedia’s news staff will provide a daily update of calls made and journalists' responses on a weekly basis so that you are appraised of response and story placement regularly.

the process

When complete, you can utilize all of your acquired media coverage for marketing material and with the databases we provide you, once we’re done you and your staff can easily carry on your story targeting efforts on your own.

Our duty is to give you a "Jump Start" – then steer you on your way to Media self-sufficiency. This is done by data-mining the most comprehensive media databases available.  

Please see Distribution


Contact Us

contact us

P: 403-463-4119