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We Have You Covered! 

TNW Media Blitz: runs two months enclusive at a rate of $3500 per month - Comprehensive Media Targeting, Follow-Up and Results

Benefits of News


Few can question the positive benefits to any company or organization that is profiled in a positive light by an accredited news journalist.  

There are myriad advantages, but the three primary ones are quite simple:   

  • Legitimate news media coverage (versus ads or paid-for advertorials) provides inherent credibility to you and your organization
  • It is absolutely free once the coverage is acquired
  • Once articles have been written, posted or produced about you, you can utilize that coverage to augment your existing investor or public relations efforts

Benifits of news

All legitimate reporters are on the lookout for newsworthy stories within the media sector they report on.

The key is ensuring that those reporters are actually receiving your news – and that someone is following up to determine their interest.

That is our job.


Contact Us

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P: 403-463-4119